Our solutions for home care services cover customer data management, ERP, optimization and mobile documentation.
Home care service solutions allow you to manage customers, ERP, and mobile logging effortlessly.
The ERP and optimization system saves time.
The Kanta-compliant patient data system allows the professional to gain role-based access to all the patient information they require. The extensive features include, among others, reporting, invoicing, and field-specific documents. Logging can be done via mobile devices, so the professional can always be where the patient is when necessary. The ERP and optimization system guides and helps the professional to target the services to a specific timeframe and to choose the required resources - thus saving time.
Home care services can be integrated.
Home care services can be integrated with one another and with other standards-compliant systems. For example, mobile logging and ERP can be combined with your own patient or customer data system. The solutions can be scaled from small operators to large units or areas.
Autamme teitä muutosprosessien läpiviennissä, konsultoinnissa ja koulutuksessa sekä tarjoamme käyttöpalveluja ratkaisujenne tueksi. Meiltä saat myös apua projektien läpivientiin, tarvittaessa myös oman projektipäällikön muodossa.
Give us a call (+358 10 524 5500) or send us a message:
mediconsult (at) mediconsult.fi