Digital services in social care and healthcare make the professionals' work easier. With digital forms and reservation data operations become more efficient, and the amount of time consuming administrative tasks decrease. For the customers, digital services mean more flexible customer service as they can access and use the services 24/7.
Digital forms enable filling in questionnaires.
Digital forms enable filling in questionnaires or patient history forms even with mobile devices and in a data-secure manner even before the first appointment. By using these questionnaires, organisations can also determine which citizens need treatment the most urgently. In the Day Surgery Unit of the North Karelia Central Hospital, patients coming in for surgery were previously interviewed over the telephone to learn about their medical history. This was replaced by an electronic form that the patient can now fill in securely on their home computer. By taking one electronic process into use, they were able to save one person-week of work time each month.
Digital portal helps to support care & services.
The Medinet portal enables transferring customer's care data to an electronic environment where applicable. This digital portal helps supporting both healthcare and social care customers, from lifestyle coaching to active follow-up of a patient with diabetes. The portal makes it easy to send personal, treatment-related comments and guidance in a data-secure way between the customer and professional.
Read also about our Digital self-care solutions.
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