ERP allows you to examine and manage available resources and given services easily. The system guides and helps you in selecting the required resources in a time-saving manner and in targeting the services within a specific timeframe.
Working in real time enables easy re-organization when there are changes to resources and service needs. The ERP solution also includes extensive reporting and follow-up.
Optimization takes care of resource planning.
Optimization will automatically take care of resource planning. It takes customer needs, service times and available resources into account in an optimally efficient way. Optimization targets can be set to comply with the organization's own targets.
Customize for your needs.
Our ERP and optimization solutions can be utilised, for instance, in home care services and in rehabilitation course management. They can also be customized to the exact needs of smaller and larger organizations.
Autamme teitä muutosprosessien läpiviennissä, konsultoinnissa ja koulutuksessa sekä tarjoamme käyttöpalveluja ratkaisujenne tueksi. Meiltä saat myös apua projektien läpivientiin, tarvittaessa myös oman projektipäällikön muodossa.
Give us a call (+358 10 524 5500) or send us a message:
mediconsult (at)