Digital self-care developed together with healthcare specialists, facilitates the professionals' work and makes it possible for the patients to engage and take responsibility for their own treatment, all in a data-secure manner.
Digital self-care can offer the patient:
With digital self-care patients can view their own health records, e.g. diagnosed illnesses, open medication plans, laboratory tests, or health, treatment, and service plans. If required, the professional can view the patient's own entries via the patient data system.
Preventive care & self-care follow-ups with professional support.
By using digital self-care, the organization can target preventive care to certain patient groups and by concentrating periodic check-ups for these risk groups. In situations where a risk for a specific disease has been identified, the patient can start self-care tracking that will inform both the patient and the professional if an appointment should be made.
Peer support portal provides patients with additional support.
A peer support portal allows patient to discuss their health-related and other issues with people in similar situations. The portal can also serve as a discussion channel towards the professional for asking advice. Automatic profiling is used to present the patient with materials that match their exact situation, for example, information regarding the various stages of pregnancy. This is why the peer support portal is a good add-on service in non-acute situations, together with visits and a telephone service.
Mediconsult has been chosen to carry out technical implementation for ODA (Self-care and digital value services). ODA develops self-care for 1.5 million citizens in Finland. Read more >
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